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Our History

Praise Temple has been established more than 40 years in Raleigh, North Carolina. In 2005, Senior Pastor Vernon Spinks was given a vision by God to open a location in Fredericksburg, VA. In 2008 we completed the remodeling of our own new worship center in the heart of historic downtown Fredericksburg which seats 200. In March 2011 we moved to a new location on Courthouse Rd. The Lord moved mightily during our tenure on Courthouse Rd. On March 4, 2018, Praise Temple VA purchased a new location in Woodford, VA.

Mission Statement

To reach the lost, who are in need and seeking salvation for their soul and provide biblical education, and practical training that would prepare them for service to Christ.

Belief Statement

  • We Believe the Holy Bible to be the inspired word of God
  • We Believe in the Oneness of God
  • We Believe the name by which God is known is Lord Jesus Christ
  • We Believe in the virgin birth, death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ
  • We believe in the necessity of baptism in water in Jesus' name according to Acts 2:38 and the in-filling of the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4. This constitutes the new birth spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ in St. John 3:5
  • We Believe in living a holy, consecrated, and sanctified life
  • We Believe in the translation of the saints, commonly known as the Rapture 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17


Praise Temple Apostolic Faith Church is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit organization and a member of The Eastern and Southern States Council in the Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith (PCAF).


Church Affiliations

Organization: PCAFI

Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith Intl

Council: ESSC

Eastern & Southern States Council

Connect With Us


Praise Temple Apostolic Faith Church

13​121​ Woodford Ro​ad | Woodford, VA 2258​0

(804) 533-8130

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